Inviting people to join your team

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Onboard others to your team and give them access to your website traffic analytical data.

Note that people are invited in a project basis, so if you want to grant someone with access to multiple of your websites analytics data, she must be invited for each website.

Inviting people to join your team
  1. Go to SettingsTeam
  2. Clique on Invite
  3. Fill the email address you want to invite in the form
  4. Click on Invite
  5. Done 🎉

If your invitee already has a Cyan Stats account, she will receive an email to confirm that she wants to join your team, otherwise, she will receive an invitation to create a free Cyan Stats account.

By default, people are invited as Viewers .


An invitation can have 2 statuses:


People you invite can be assigned one of the following roles:

💡 People invited to join your team are not required to subscribe and pay for Cyan Stats, unless they decide to add their own website.

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